Spatial Cognition Lab News

It is now online the final published version of the Article “A cross-sectional study of gender role adherence, moral disengagement mechanisms and online vulnerability in adolescents.” by Laura Piccardi, Jessica Burrai, Massimiliano Palmiero, Alessandro Quaglieri, Giulia Lausi, Pierluigi Cordellieri, Angelo Fraschetti, Anna Maria Giannini and Emanuela Mari published in Heliyon. In the present study we […]
HomeAboutPeopleLaura PiccardiMassimiliano PalmieroAlessia BocchiSofia PepeAlessandro Von GalDTD - DTEPublicationsPartnersResearchNewsCall for papersContactHomeAboutPeopleLaura PiccardiMassimiliano PalmieroAlessia BocchiSofia PepeAlessandro Von GalDTD - DTEPublicationsPartnersResearchNewsCall for papersContact Spatial Cognition Lab NewsSearchA cross-sectional study of gender role adherence, moral disengagement mechanisms and online vulnerability in adolescentsREAD MOREField dependence-independence mediates the association between visual perception and mathematics. A cross-sectional study in children and […]
It is now online the final published version of the Article “Environmental cognitive load and spatial anxiety: What matters in navigation?” by Raffaella Nori, Micaela Maria Zucchelli, Massimiliano Palmiero and Laura Piccardi published in Journal of Environmental Psychology. In the present study we explored the mediating role of anxiety (spatial, trait and state) in the […]
It is now online the published version of the Article “Preschoolers’ Perceptual Analogical Reasoning and Map Reading: A Preliminary Study on the Mediating Effect of Spatial Language” by Marco Giancola, Maria Chiara Pino, Valentina Riccio, Laura Piccardi and Simonetta D’Amico published in Children. In the present study 56 typically developing 4- to 6-year-old children performed perceptual […]
It is now online the published version of the Article “Examining cognitive determinants of planning future routine events: a pilot study in school-age Italian children (Análisis de los determinantes cognitivos de la planificación de eventos de rutina futuros: un estudio piloto con niños italianos en edad e” by Marco Giancola, Alessia Bocchi, Massimiliano Palmiero, Ilaria […]
It is now online the Article “Adaptations of the Walking Corsi Test (WalCT) for 2- and 3-year- old preterm and term-born toddlers: A preliminary study. ” by Nuria Martín-Pozuelo, Verónica Robles-García, Laura Piccardi, Alejandro Quintela del Rio, Javier Cudeiro, Isabel De las Cuevas-Terán, published in Frontiers in Pediatrics. In the present study are preliminary reported data […]
It is now online the final published version of the Article “The effect of Sadness on Visual Artistic Creativity in Non-Artists” by Massimiliano Palmero, Laura Piccardi, Marco Giancola, Raffaella Nori and Paola Guariglia published in Brain Sciences.In the...
It is now online the final published version of the Article “Working Memory in Navigational and Reaching Spaces in Typically Developing Children at IncreasingSchool Stages” by Åsa Bartonek, Cecilia Guariglia and Laura Piccardi published in Children.It is ...
It is now online the final published version of the Article "Where Am I? Searching for the Tangle in the Developmental Topographical Disorientation”  by Laura Piccardi, Vincenza Cofini, Massimiliano Palmiero, Paola Verde, Maddalena Boccia, Liana Palermo, ...
It is now online the Article Giant chess game enhances spatial navigational skills in 6-years-old children: preliminary findings by Alessia Bocchi, Massimiliano Palmiero, Filippo Persichetti, Maurizio Matteoli, Cecilia Guariglia and Laura Piccardi publish...
It is now available and online the Chapter Predictive role of estradiol levels on spatial orientation skills in women taking oral contraceptivesby Filippo Bianchini, Paola Verde, Maddalena Boccia, Stefano Colangeli, Francesco Piccolo, Felice Strollo, Anit...
It is now online the final published version of the Article “Divergent thinking in Italian elementary school children: the key role of probabilistic reasoning style” by Marco Giancola, Massimiliano Palmiero, Alessia Bocchi, Laura Piccardi, Raffaella Nori ...
It is now online the final published version of the Article“The Contribution of Cognitive Factors to Compulsive Buying Behaviour: Insights from Shopping Habit Changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic”by Raffaella Nori, Micaela M. Zucchelli, Laura Piccardi, Ma...
It is now online the Article Where am I?” A snapshot of the developmental topographical disorientation among young Italian adultsby Laura Piccardi, Massimiliano Palmiero, Vincenza Cofini, Paola Verde, Maddalena Boccia, Liana Palermo, Cecilia Guariglia and...
It is now online the final published version of the Article "The Verbal Judgement Task: Normative data of verbal abstract reasoning in a sample of 18- to 40-years old.”by Massimiliano Palmiero, Antonella Di Vita, Alice Teghil and Laura Piccardi, published...
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